"Demography is destiny," wrote Ben Wattenberg and Richard Scammon in their 1970 book The Real Majority, perhaps the first formal warning in American politics that political parties had to pay heed to changing populations. And while The Real Majority ...
“Luna is a hot rising name around the world,” explains The Baby Name Wizard ($10; amazon.com) author Laura Wattenberg to InStyle. “It's part of a soaring style I call 'raindrop names,' liquid-smooth miniatures with no sharp edges.” Other popular names ...
The company''s oil and liquids weighted assets are located primarily in the Wattenberg Field in Colorado, and the Dorcheat Macedonia Field in southern Arkansas. It also owns and operates oil-producing assets in the North Park Basin in Colorado, and the ...
The lease totals about 378 net acres in the Todd Creek Farms Project in the southern end of the Greater Wattenberg Field in the Denver-Julesburg (D-J) Basin. The acquisition includes an average working interest net to PetroShare of about 20% in 14 ...
Picking a surname as a first name isn't new — everyone loves Brady and Campbell, for instance. But parents are starting to think of leadership when naming their kids, and presidential surnames are on the upswing. "Carter is a big one," says Wattenberg.
The firm notes that with 93K net acres, including 41K in the core of the Wattenberg field, SYRG has significant exposure to the DJ Basin, and says the company's experienced management team and a solid balance sheet nicely position it to exploit its ...