Havana, Cuba – After nearly 40 years, commercial travels on waters between Cuba and the United States resumed on Monday as passengers of the Adonia arrived in Havana's single state-run cruise terminal. Sixteen Cuban-Americans were able to return to ...
Déclinée à l'infini par de mystérieux street-artistes sur les murs des plus grandes villes du monde, cette créature des mers fascinante est aujourd'hui l'emblème de la marque de The Kraken® Black Spiced Rum (selon les récits historiques, la bête aurait ...
The Kraken® Black Spiced <b>Rum</b> débarque en France
We present a classic julep recipe but also offer cocktails - made with vodka, tequila and rum - that employ Derby Day spirit. A couple of these and you'll be singing "My Old Kentucky Home" in no time. Locally, Julep bar, 1919 Washington, is hosting its ...
Other Derby cocktails closing in on classic julep
Torna il Tour Zacapa, il viaggio alla scoperta del celebre rum guatemalteco, da molti esperti considerato il migliore al mondo, interpretato dalle eccellenze della ristorazione italiana. 10 chef per 10 cene esclusive dedicate a Zacapa che coinvolge ...
Il Tour Zacapa fa tappa in Sicilia
Currently, several spirit distributors are prepared for the embargo to be lifted so that delicious Cuban rum can flow into the U.S. However, the company that imports it must comply with Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau regulations, obtain the ...
10 Things That Will Be Cheaper (or More Expensive) if the U.S. Embargo on <b>...</b>
Wetter gut, alles gut: Am Sonntag strömen die Menschen zur Westeifelschau nach Arzfeld. Musiker Nicholas Müller (rechts) von der Band Von Brücken ist Jurymitglied beim Songcontest.TV-Fotos (2): Klaus Kimmling (1), Fritz-Peter Linden (1) Foto: klaus ...
Der Sonntag reißt das Ruder <b>rum</b>: 10 000 Besucher bei der 12. Westeifelschau <b>...</b>
Postleitzahl de Rum