Vollständig abgebrannt ist gestern am späten Vormittag das Lagerhaus eines Baustoffhandels in der Gemeinde Polling (Landkreis Mühldorf). Die Kriminalpolizei übernahm die Ermittlungen, Angaben zur Schadenshöhe und möglichen Brandursache sind ...
Feuer in <b>Polling</b>: Lagerhalle abgebrannt
Orange Unified, in the wake of town halls meant to show residents the decay and needs at its high school campuses, is polling voters to see how much they would be willing to pay to fund improvements. Calls are being made to registered voters in the ...
If you want to snap a selfie of yourself casting a voting ballot in California, you'll be breaking the law. It's actually illegal to photograph or videotape the action inside a polling place in a number of states — a rule that the king of selfies ...
Snapchat wants to make <b>polling</b> place voting selfies legal
If you want to snap a selfie of yourself casting a voting ballot in California, you'll be breaking the law. It's actually illegal to photograph or videotape the action inside a polling place in a number of states — a rule that the king of selfies ...
(CNN) Americans don't agree on much in politics these days, but a new poll finds broad majorities in agreement that the front-runners for the Republican and Democratic nominations for president will wind up the winners in the end. According to a new ...
CNN poll: Americans agree Clinton and Trump headed for a faceoff
Compare that with the polling frequency of other recently important states. Pennsylvania, which voted April 26, was polled dozens of times with some regularity going back to March 2015. Pollsters surveyed New York Republicans 20 times between mid-March ...
Why Is Indiana&#39;s Primary Such a Mystery? It Has to Do With a Law Passed in 1988.
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