Having apparently run out of incoherently threatening foreigners to shoot here on earth, Activision and Infinty Ward's next Call of Duty game will take the wholly original angle of shooting enemies in space, a concept which we believe has never before ...
For many, E3 is the crown jewel in the yearly video game calendar. Microsoft will unveil the latest and greatest Xbox One games and features, in their attempt to convince consumers that it is their box you should spend your hard earned cash on. The ...
Here&#39;s some of our most anticipated Microsoft E3 2016 <b>gaming</b> announcements
Having apparently run out of incoherently threatening foreigners to shoot here on earth, Activision and Infinity Ward's next Call of Duty game will take the wholly original angle of shooting enemies in space, a concept which we believe has never before ...
The administrators behind the recently shut-down Nostalrius server—which ran a popular "vanilla" version of World of Warcraft as the game existed before its many expansions—are currently "scheduling a meeting at Blizzard campus" to discuss the status ...
Blizzard agrees to meet with team behind shut-down “pirate server”
With Miitomo, Nintendo made its first splash into the mobile application pool. The title is more of a social app than a game, but it's going to be the first of five titles releasing between now and March 2017. At a recent investor Q & A, Nintendo ...
Nintendo: Smart device <b>gaming</b> will be a pillar for revenue
Rovio have unveiled their latest Angry Birds game to the world with an all-new free-to-play, pinball-inspired 3D game. According to the developers of one of the best selling mobile games in the world, this new experience will be "the focal point for a ...
New Angry Birds <b>game</b> takes flight
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