Hier finanziert die Stadt Villach bereits den Kindergarten der Gemeinde Weißenstein. Besonders der Afritzer Gemeindechef Max Linder tut sich in der Kritik der Zentralisierung auf die Stadt hervor, der den Nachtbus nicht mitfinanzieren möchte und auch ...
People waving Cuban flags greet passengers on Carnival's Adonia cruise ship as they arrive from Miami in Havana, Cuba, Monday, May 2, 2016. The Adonia's arrival is the first step toward a future in which thousands of ships a year could cross the ...
HAVANA (AP) — The first U.S. cruise ship in nearly 40 years crossed the Florida Straits from Miami and pulled into Havana Harbor on Monday, restarting commercial travel on waters that served as a stage for a half-century of Cold War hostility. The ...
First U.S. cruise in decades arrives in Havana. By: MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN Associated Press. Posted: Mon 11:45 AM, May 02, 2016. By: MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN Associated Press. Home; / Headlines List; / Article ...
First U.S. cruise in decades arrives in Havana
A woman from Cuba waves Adonia leaves port in Miami, Sunday, May 1, 2016, en route to Cuba. After a half-century of waiting, passengers finally set sail on Sunday from Miami on an historic cruise to Cuba. Carnival's Cuba cruises, operating under its ...
First US cruise in decades arrives in Havana
... and slowly renovating decrepit warehouses as breweries and museums connected by waterfront promenades. Cruise dockings will be limited by the port's single cruise terminal, which can handle two ships at a time. ____. Michael Weissenstein on Twitter ...
First US cruise in decades arrives in Havana
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