Did you know it was Earth Day last Friday? If yes, did you know because you actually knew Earth Day was an event every year on April 22nd, or did you know because you saw the Earth Day geofilters when you were flipping through filters trying to capture ...
Keep your news out of my selfies
The end of the school year is fast-approaching. The weather is getting nicer, your summer plans are (hopefully) coming together — this should be an exciting time. But this time of year means many other things. It means cramming for that last round of ...
The stresses of class registration
periodontal disease - periodontal pathogens - oral microbial - gingival immune response - Porphyromonas gingivalis - My last blog post discussed some of the fundamental differences between the current understanding of periodontal disease and the new ...
Even more on the new model of periodontal disease
Dog is man's best friend. This has been common knowledge for years, but it's taken on new meaning recently. Being man's best friend no longer just means standing loyally nearby. Lawmakers are now recognizing these best friends because of their ...
Congress lends a paw to veterans
Richard H. Nagelberg, DDS, has practiced general dentistry in suburban Philadelphia for more than 30 years. He is a speaker, advisory board member, consultant, and key opinion leader for several dental companies and organizations. He lectures on a ...
ALT-NAGELBERG. Unbekannte Täter stahlen aus einem versperrten Kellerabteil eines Mehrparteienhauses in Altnagelberg eine Motorsäge, ein Notstromaggregat, einen Bolzenschneider und ein Aquariumset. Um hinein zu gelangen, zwängten die ...
Alt-<b>Nagelberg</b>: Einbrecher stahlen Motorsäge und Notstromaggregat
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